Consultation  |  Sale  |  Service

Since the founding of our company in 1997, we have established ourselves as a reliable and innovative partner for high-quality products in the fields of glass processing, metal processing, water hygiene, detergents and disinfectant.

We also work with professionals who optimally use our products. Specialists in a wide variety of fields are available to meet your requirements.

Cerium and aluminum oxide polishing powders, diamond tools, polishing and grinding wheels...

Industrial degreasers, elastic bonded abrasives, garnet abrasives for waterjet cutting...

Potable water tank, descaling of pipelines, treatment of legionella and pseudomonas...

Detergents and disinfectant for heat exchanger, cooling towers, pipelines, facilities, machines... 

Our service offers

  • Cleaning and disinfection of heat exchangers and air coolers

  • Cleaning and disinfection of cooling towers and cooling systems

  • Cleaning and disinfection of pipelines

  • Cleaning and disinfection of tanks for drinking water, service water and process water 

  • Cleaning and disinfection of swimming pools and ponds

  • Chemical regeneration of wells

  • Disinfection of drinking water installations contaminated with legionella and pseudomonas bacteria 

  • Accredited sampling and analysis of water samples


We are always looking for new partners 
to distribute or apply our products or 
perform services with our products.

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GMG Vertriebs GmbH
Handelsstrasse 11
9300 Sankt Veit an der Glan

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 7:30-16:30h
Friday: 7:30-12:00h